News and events
Information for Erasmus students
The Duncan Center Conservatory as the only conservatory in the Czech Republic received an ERASMUS charter for the period 2014-2020, and this ECHE was re-awarded for the years 2021-2027. Thus we welcome international incoming students to study at our school.
Omar Carrum in DC
The renowned dancer, choreographer and dance teacher Omar Carrum is coming back to Prague. Similarly to previsou years, from February until June he will be collaborating with dance teachers and students from the conservatory.
Milan Herich in DC
The renowned dancer, choreographer and dance teacher Milan Herich will spend the first week in February in the Duncan Centre Conservatory, working with our 4th, 5th and 6th level students.
Charlie Morrissey in Duncan Centre Conservatory
Charlie Morrissey, the director/choreographer, performer, teacher, and researcher from the UK will be giving classes to 3rd, 5th and 6th level students in our conservatory from 12th to 16th September.
Programmes for public
We offer seminars and workshops, summer school and courses for children.